Saturday, December 3, 2011

Christmas Time!

Our Christmas tree started off pretty sad looking this year. When I opened up the box of ornaments I discovered that most of them had broken during the move from Omaha. I was so sad! Then when we put up the tree only one section of the lights were working! It was the saddest looking tree ever!

We finally got the lights working and then we went out and bought a few ornaments and we got the tree looking pretty good! :) The kids were so excited to get all the tree, and all the other Christmas decorations out. They love Christmas!


We had such a fun Thanksgiving. We had some yummy food and had such a great time with family. My favorite part was watching all the kids play football! They were so cute! I am so thankful for my wonderful family.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Turkey Bowl!

My favorite part of Thanksgiving was watching the kids play football. They were so cute and they had a lot of fun!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Nap Time

Cooper has been fighting me with his nap time for the past few months. He used to be pretty easy about going down for naps, but I think those days are gone! Once in a while he'll go the whole day without taking a nap, but he usually just falls asleep in the car when we go to pick up Riley from school. Sometimes he'll fall asleep before that, and since he won't let me put him in his bed anymore, I'll find him crashed on the couch, or even on the floor wrapped up in his blankie.

Fast asleep on the couch, snow boots and all. I love how his little tummy is showing :)