I was a little nervous about going to the mall on one of the busiest shopping days of the year, but it turned out that the mall wasn't even that busy!

The kids love going to Barnes and Noble to play with the trains....

I had to put Riley in time-out for not sharing

After a few minutes in time-out, Riley decided that sharing would more fun than sitting and watching
We always have to stop and let the kids play on the playground. This is Ryan's favorite part of going to the mall.

The kids were so excited to see Santa there! I wasn't sure if Ryan would actually go sit with him, but after seeing Riley sitting with Santa, he decided it would be ok.

We always have to stop and let the kids play on the playground. This is Ryan's favorite part of going to the mall.

The kids were so excited to see Santa there! I wasn't sure if Ryan would actually go sit with him, but after seeing Riley sitting with Santa, he decided it would be ok.