Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

 Christmas Eve was so much fun! We relaxed and played in the morning, and then after lunch we took the kids to see "Tangled". The kids really liked it and Riley told us that she wants to have hair like Rapunzel. It was such a cute movie.
After the movie we came home and made some cookies for Santa. We decided to make him some graham cracker cookies with rainbow chip frosting.
Then after cookies, we ate dinner, gave the kids and bath, and then we had them open their Christmas jammies. It was such a great day!

Getting ready to make some yummy cookies

Cooper loved the frosting, and yes there was some double dipping going on, but Santa didn't mind :)

Yummy frosting

They were so excited to wear their new Christmas jammies


After Riley's Christmas program, we took the kids to see Santa. Riley and Ryan were both excited to see him and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Riley asked for an art set, and Ryan asked for a Harry Potter wand.

Cooper wasn't sure what to think of Santa

Riley and Ryan telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas

Hugs. He is the cutest Santa ever :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fun in the Snow!

It snowed a little bit last week and so Casey took the kids outside to play. They love the snow! Casey pulled them around in the sled and then they found a snow pile to go sledding down. They had a fun time!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Riley's Christmas Program

On Friday Riley had her Christmas program at school. The zoo kindergarten class got to spend the whole day at the elementary school. Riley was excited to stay at  the "big school" all day.
Casey was able to get some time off work so he could come to the program. It was so fun to have our whole family there.
Riley and the other kindergartners did a good job. They are so cute!

All the kindergartners. Riley is in the front row on the far right. She was so cute!

When Riley finally found us in the crowd she got the biggest smile on her face! Here the kids are singing "It Must Be Santa."

This was after the program. It was kinda long...Ryan was worn out :) 

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Time!

The kids are getting so excited for Christmas! It snowed this past week and so the kids were asking if it was Christmas Eve yet. On Tuesday we put up our Christmas tree. Putting up Christmas decorations is just so fun and it brings such a good feeling to the home.

Ryan was excited to try out his new boots in the snow.

My cute little boys!

Of course I had to include pictures of the kitties! They are just so cute. Mei is such a patient kitty. She is so good with the kids!

Michiko looks like a wild kitty in this picture.

Here are some pictures of Casey and the kids putting up the Christmas tree. They had a fun time!


The day after Thanksgiving we drove to Denver so we could see Casey's sister go through the temple with  her family. It was such a wonderful experience! I am so glad we were able to go.

It was a really fun trip...I just wish it could have lasted a little longer. The kids had fun seeing Grandma & Grandpa Taylor AND Grandma & Grandpa Wood. Lucky! 

On the drive to Denver. The kids did really well in the car.

Cara and her family. They are so cute!

Casey and his brothers. It was fun to see everyone!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This year we stayed in Omaha for Thanksgiving. I was really nervous about cooking the turkey, but everything turned out okay :) 
The kids were excited about helping out. Ryan and Cooper helped Casey wash the potatoes and Riley helped set the table.
Here's Cooper "helping" with the pumpkin pie. He climbed up on the table when I was trying to get the turkey ready.
Finishing up dinner. I was so happy that everyone liked the food!

Mei and Michiko enjoying a good nap :)