We enjoyed the nice, cooler weather by spending lots of time outside:

Riley and Ryan had fun singing at Music Time:

One day we had to wake up early so we could drive Daddy to work!

Riley was excited to wear her cute butterfly clips that her talented Aunt Becca made!

Cooper had fun hangin out with Daddy while Mommy went to Card Night with the girls!

We had a lot of fun playing dress-up!

We spotted this little skeleton running around scaring all the neighborhood kids

Ryan has been telling us that he wants to be Voldemort, a skeleton, a spider, or a ghost for Halloween. We saw this skeleton costume at Walmart and Ryan seemed pretty excited about it so we got it for him for Halloween. When we got home we had him try it on to make sure it would fit. I just laughed when I first saw him in his costume, it was pretty cute. (He didn't really scare the kids...they were all having fun!)
On Saturday we went to the zoo and had so much fun! I'll post some pictures soon!